Studio Policies

Studio Policies

How quickly will I make progress?

We know from experience that progress takes time. We want to help you make a solid commitment to your musical growth. For this reason, our lessons and classes have a 3 month minimum – after the first 3 months your commitment is month to month.
If at any point in time you’re experiencing any difficulties whatsoever with your lessons, please reach out to the owner Dean directly so he can help resolve the issue promptly to keep you on track with your progress.
Dean can be reached at (616) 617-4642 or
All of the songs in our curriculum can be found on our Youtube page.
Using these videos to supplement your practice at home is a great aid to learning.

How does payment work?

Group classes and private lessons occur once a week excluding scheduled holiday breaks. The monthly charge
remains constant no matter how many weeks of scheduled classes are included in each month.
Please check our online calendar for a list of holidays that we are closed.
If your lesson falls on a single day holiday (e.g. Memorial Day or the 4th of July) we will be glad to try to reschedule within one week of the missed lesson upon request. During extended holiday breaks (Christmas week and Spring Break) we do not offer reschedules. All of our classes feature rolling enrollment so you can join anytime. We have a monthly membership billing model and payment is due at the time of enrollment. All payments are non-refundable. Subsequent months will be billed on the date of your first lesson or class.

For example: On Sep. 1 Judy calls to enroll in a Joy of Guitar class and her first class session is on Sep. 6. Her billing schedule would be as follows:
– September 1 – $189
– October 6 – $189
– November 6 – $189
– etc.

Please note that all memberships run as an automatic monthly charge on your card and you will need to contact us
directly to request that the charge be stopped.
To un-enroll, please contact us at (616) 330-8760 and we will process your request within 2 business days.

How much do classes cost?

  • Pickin’ Pals (ages 3-6) classes – $95 / month
  • Young Strummers (ages 4-8) and Ramblers (ages 9-12) classes – $189 / month
  • Joy of Guitar (ages 13-adult) classes – $189 / month
  • Intermediate Jazz Guitar class – $235 / month
  • 30 minute private lessons – $169 / month
  • 60 minute private lessons – $299 / month

Do you offer make up lessons or classes?

If you cannot make your private lesson, let us know 24 hours or more in advance and we will be glad to reschedule it within one week of the missed lesson if there is an open slot in your teacher’s schedule.
If there are no open slots or if none of the open slots work for you, that private lesson will be forfeited but you will be welcome to sit in on a group class of your choice if you would like.
If you cannot make your group class you are welcome to sit in on any other group class of your choice within one week of the missed class.
Contact us at (616) 330-8760 or if you need to reschedule.

What happens if my teacher cancels my lesson/class?

Your next billing will be pushed out one week so that you will not pay for the missed lesson/class.

What if I need to drop out of lessons or class for a certain period of time?
(e.g. six weeks during volleyball season)

If you need to miss class for two weeks or longer we can gladly place your monthly membership on hold.
We will do our best to get you the same time slot with the same instructor when you return but this isn’t guaranteed.
Maximum hold time for a membership is 3 months.

Inclement weather policy:

We follow the guidance of East Grand Rapids Public Schools regarding inclement weather closings. If school is
closed or delayed, we will follow in like manner. Any closings or delays will be posted on our Facebook page and an
announcement will be sent via our email list. If you would like to request a reschedule within one week of the lesson or
class missed due to inclement weather please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.

Where can I get information about upcoming events as well as scheduled
holiday breaks?

Visit the Riverside Guitar School Online Calendar

What should I do if I can’t make it to my private lesson?

Let us know and we will relay the information to your teacher. Call or text us at (616) 330-8760.

Should I let anyone know if I can’t make it to my group class?

Nope, not necessary.

Who should I contact if I have a question about billing or scheduling?

Contact us at (616) 330-8760 or

What should I do if I have a question, concern or feedback about the quality of my lessons or class?

Contact the owner Dean at (616) 617-4642 or

Studio Policies

How quickly will I make progress?

We know from experience that progress takes time. We want to help you make a solid commitment to your musical growth. For this reason, our lessons and classes have a 3 month minimum – after the first 3 months your commitment is month to month.

If at any point in time you’re experiencing any difficulties whatsoever with your lessons, please reach out to the owner Dean directly so he can help resolve the issue promptly to keep you on track with your progress.
Dean can be reached at (616) 617-4642 or

All of the songs in our curriculum can be found on our Youtube page. Using these videos to supplement your practice at home is a great aid to learning.

How does payment work?

Group classes and private lessons occur once a week excluding scheduled holiday breaks. The monthly charge remains constant no matter how many weeks of scheduled classes are included in each month. Please check our online calendar here for a list of holidays that we are closed. If your lesson falls on a single day holiday (e.g. Memorial Day or the 4th of July) we will be glad to try to reschedule within one week of the missed lesson upon request. During extended holiday breaks (Christmas week and Spring Break) we do not offer reschedules.

All of our classes feature rolling enrollment so you can join anytime. We have a monthly membership billing model and payment is due at the time of enrollment. All payments are non-refundable. Subsequent months will be billed on the date of your first lesson or class.

For example: On Sep. 1 Judy calls to enroll in a Joy of Guitar class and her first class session is on Sep. 6. Her billing schedule would be as follows:
– September 1 – $189
– October 6 – $189
– November 6 – $189
– etc.

Please note that all memberships run as an automatic monthly charge on your card and you will need to contact us directly to request that the charge be stopped. To un-enroll, please contact us at (616) 330-8760 and we will process your request within 2 business days.

How much do classes cost?

Pickin’ Pals (ages 3-6) Classes

$95 / month*

Young Strummers (ages 4-8)
& Ramblers (ages 9-12) Classes:

$189 / month*

Joy of Guitar
(ages 13-adult) Classes:

$189 / month*

Intermediate Jazz
Guitar Class:

$235 / month*

30 minute
Private Lessons:

$169 / month*

60 minute
Private Lessons:

$299 / month*

*billing month runs
from calendar date to calendar date
– Example: May 15 – June 15;

Pricing updated: 9/1/2024

Do you offer make up lessons or classes?

If you cannot make your private lesson, let us know 24 hours or more in advance and we will be glad to reschedule it within one week of the missed lesson if there is an open slot in your teacher’s schedule.

If there are no open slots or if none of the open slots work for you, that private lesson will be forfeited but you will be welcome to sit in on a group class of your choice if you would like.

If you cannot make your group class you are welcome to sit in on any other group class of your choice within one week of the missed class.
Contact us at (616) 330-8760 or if you need to reschedule.

What happens if my teacher cancels my lesson/class?

Your next billing will be pushed out one week so that you will not pay for the missed lesson/class.

What if I need to drop out of lessons or class for a certain period of time (e.g. six weeks during volleyball season)?

If you need to miss class for two weeks or longer we can gladly place your monthly membership on hold. We will do our best to get you the same time slot with the same instructor when you return but this isn’t guaranteed.

Maximum hold time for a membership is 3 months.

Inclement weather policy:

We follow the guidance of East Grand Rapids Public Schools regarding inclement weather closings. If school is closed or delayed, we will follow in like manner.

Any closings or delays will be posted on our Facebook page and an announcement will be sent via our email list.

If you would like to request a reschedule within one week of the lesson or class missed due to inclement weather please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.

Where can I get information about upcoming events as well as scheduled holiday breaks?

What should I do if I can’t make it to my private lesson?

Let us know and we will relay the information to your teacher.

Call or text us at (616) 330-8760.

Should I let anyone know if I can’t make it to my group class?

Nope, not necessary.

Who should I contact if I have a question about billing or scheduling?

Contact us at (616) 330-8760 or

What should I do if I have a question, concern or feedback about the quality of my lessons or class?

Contact the owner Dean at (616) 617-4642 or