Folk Orchestra Music for Southtown Guitar’s Lessons & Carols Service

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Southtown Guitar is putting on a Lessons & Carols service at Calvin Christian Reformed Church on December 8 at 6:30pm. Our folk orchestra will accompany the congregational singing for 5 songs during the service and is open to any/all instruments. This is an opportunity to be a part of an encouraging and fun large ensemble composed of amateur musicians of all levels (i.e. beginners are most welcome and encouraged to join!).

We want you to be a part of the folk orchestra! Check out the music below and visit this page to sign up.

The folk orchestra will be playing these songs:

Once in Royal David’s City

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Lo! How a Rose E’er Blooming

The First Noel

Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree

Download the music for all songs here


There are 5 rehearsals for the folk orchestra. You may attend as many rehearsals as you’d like but attendance of at least one regular rehearsal and the dress rehearsal is mandatory for all folk orchestra participants.

Rehearsal dates/times:

Saturday, Nov. 9 at 10am at Calvin CRC

Thursday, Nov. 14 at 7pm at Calvin CRC

Saturday, Nov. 23 at 10am at Calvin CRC

Monday, Nov. 25 at 7pm at Calvin CRC

Saturday, Dec. 7 at 10am at Calvin CRC – This will be our dress rehearsal and is mandatory for all participants.

Right hand piano melodies

Check out this playlist to practice the melody for all folk orchestra songs on the piano.

Explore more


Download a ukulele chord sheet here:

Lessons & Carols Ukulele Chords